Eugenio Aulisa

Curriculum Vitae

Eugenio Aulisa graduated in Nuclear Engineering from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2001 and obtained his Ph.D. in Energetic, Nuclear and Environmental Control Engineering from the same institution in 2005. His first appointment at Texas Tech was as a Visiting Assistant Professor before entering a tenure-track position in 2007. He become Associate professor in 2012. His primary research interests are in Computational fluid mechanics, including modeling and simulation of multiphase flows and fluid-structure interaction problems, non-linear analysis of fluid flow filtration in porous media, and multigrid solvers with domain decomposition methods. His most recent interests include dynamic control of distributed parameter systems governed by partial differential equation.

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Simone Bnà

Curriculum Vitae

Graduated cum laude in Nuclear Engineering at the University of Bologna in the 2010. He achieved his PhD from the Energy, Nuclear and Environment Control Department of the University of Bologna (2014) with a dissertation entitled "Multilevel Domain Decomposition Algorithms for Monolithic Fluid Structure Interaction Problems with application to Haemodynamics". Author and co-author of several papers published in international peer-reviewed journals (AIP, Computers & Fluids, Computer Physics Communications) and conference proceedings. Deep knowledge of numerical methods like domain decomposition and multigrid solver in CFD, FSI and two-phase flow and numerical libraries like PETSc and Libmesh. In CINECA he works as C++ developer in EU-funded projects with application in the biomedical field.

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Giorgio Bornia

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Giorgio Bornia is Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University. He earned his Ph.D. in 2012 from the University of Bologna, under the direction of Prof. Sandro Manservisi. His research interests include optimal control for partial differential equations, fluid dynamics, fluid-structure interaction, fluid flows in porous media, multigrid and domain decomposition methods, and design of finite element software. He also participated in international research projects for the design of Generation IV nuclear fission reactors.

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